GetUpp is a HealthTech platform designed to cultivate an active and healthy work environment, enhancing employee well-being and productivity.
Our mission is to combat inactivity and sedentary behavior through our science-based solution, which promotes health, wellness, and engagement.
With GetUpp, we create a win-win scenario where employees experience improved health and well being, while companies benefit from increased productivity and reduced health-related costs.
We are here to transform workplaces into vibrant and healthy communities, where well-being and productivity thrive together.
Our B2B customer base is diverse and includes small and medium-sized businesses as well as larger organizations. Among our larger customers are renowned companies such as Lego, Novo Nordisk, and Danfoss, along with several government and municipal institutions. This diversity in our customer base provides us with a solid platform to tailor our solutions to different types of organizations and industries.
Currently, the majority of our customers are based in Denmark, but we have already started attracting customers in Sweden and Norway, indicating growing potential in these markets. A common characteristic of our customers is their desire to promote employee health and well-being, reduce sedentary behavior, and boost productivity through innovative solutions that seamlessly integrate into their daily workflows.
The capital will be allocated to sales-promotion activities, as well as
strengthening the current organization.
By investing in OfficeFit, an investor has the opportunity to invest in a company with a solid product, a dedicated team, and a clear strategy for capturing market share within health and well-being.
We offer not only economic growth but also a meaningful investment that drives positive change.
An investment in OfficeFit is an attractive opportunity for several reasons:
1. Market Relevance and Scalability
OfficeFit with our product Getupp - we operates within the growing market for health and well-being, which is increasingly prioritized by both private and public organizations. With a focus on fostering healthier workplaces, OfficeFit offers a solution that is highly relevant in a time when employee well-being and productivity are of great importance.
Our solution has already demonstrated significant potential in the Danish market and garnered interest in Sweden, showcasing the concept's international scalability.
2. Attractive Customer Segments and Pipeline
We have a diverse customer base across seven segments, including large industrial companies, banks, insurance firms, and auditing companies. With a robust pipeline and clear growth objectives, we ensure risk diversification and a stable revenue stream.
3. Strong Team and Technology
Our team combines expertise in health, technology, and business development. We have already proven our ability to develop and deliver a user-friendly and effective platform that meets customer needs. Our user data and analytics tools provide valuable insights that further enhance our product and customer relationships.
4. Investment in Sustainability
Investing in OfficeFit also means investing in a sustainable future. By helping companies promote employee health and well-being, we contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). This strengthens our brand and makes us attractive to companies focusing on corporate social responsibility (CSR).
5. Proof of Concept and Potential
We have already delivered successful results for several companies and received interest from insurance and pension companies. This validates both the value of our product and its long-term potential.
6. Financial Expectations
OfficeFit represents an investment in a high-growth company with an increasing subscription base. With a well-defined budget and a strategic playbook, we are ready to embark on a joint journey with the right investor, unlocking great potential.
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