I am creating a platform dedicated to educating diverse audiences on how to leverage AI for various purposes. My content has generated millions of views globally, backed by insightful data gathered from 100% organic social media engagement.
I am seeking a strategic investor who can not only support the growth and development of my platform but also bring valuable expertise in business setup and operations. Beyond financial backing, I am looking for a partner with experience in the tech or AI sector who understands the importance of protecting intellectual property and can provide guidance on IP strategy, security, and scalability.
AI is rapidly transforming industries worldwide, and in Denmark, this platform has the potential to become a highly influential resource. It will empower millions of professionals and organizations by providing easy access to the right AI tools and guidance tailored to their needs.
With over 12 months of self-studying AI and engaging with international AI companies, I have gained valuable insights into the specific challenges people face when engaging with AI, allowing me to tailor solutions that address real user needs. Additionally, I have built a robust network, including partnerships and connections with international AI companies, positioning the platform for global reach and collaboration. This foundation strengthens our ability to provide relevant, accessible AI resources to users everywhere. I even have a new name that matches the idea and it will updated soon.
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