Make Influence ApS

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Performance-based influencer marketplace!

Senest opdateret: 08-04-2024
Performance-based influencer marketplace!
Stadie: Klar til vækst
Skal bruge: 1.000.000 kr.
Ansatte: 14
Stiftet: 2019

Virksomheden søger kapital til

Right now, we need more resources to fix core product-related features and capabilities to expand into other markets. That means more hands in the dev team to execute faster on development tasks.

The round we are seeking now is a bridge round for our Seed Round that we will close in 6 - 8 months.

We already have 650k committed from current investors and an employee. Furthermore, we have a lead angel with a soft commitment on 500k - 1m DKK

Det er en god investering fordi

Brands have limited ways of reducing uncertainty and risk associated with influencer marketing, and professional tools to help scale their program often come at prohibitively expensive fixed prices. Influencers still lack tools to manage their work independently in an efficient way, while ensuring retribution for their work.

This is one of the reasons that the market needs a marketplace where the two parties can meet and collaborate around their objectives and scale together.

We already have a product-market fit in Denmark on both our customers and supply side.
We do not use any contracts or exclusive deals for influencers, they work on Make influence because we provide an endless supply of deals, transparency, and fair pricing.

In the future make influence will be the biggest influencer agency without even being an agency - influencers can and should work independently.

We raised total 3m DKK from angels, 2m DKK in loann from Vækstfonden and 350k DKK from innovationsfonden.
We have a professional board, CTO, CEO, CFO in place, and an experienced team covering all important positions.

Her er virksomheden i dag

In short, Make Influence is a B2B Marketplace where influencers and companies can meet each other and create transparent, performance-based collaborations that leverage data.
Both influencers and companies can find various tools, from vetting and recruiting to automated payout, which solves or substantially ease essential pains and reduce the risk.

We launched in 2019, now counting 14 employees in Copenhagen, Denmark.
We are trusted by 210+ customers and 1500 influencers.
Total turnover 9 m.DKK in 2020 and 15 m.DKK in 2021
3.1m DKK ARR by 
Funding of 5.2m DKK in equity and lending.

We are doing 25m DKK en turnover in 2022 and will hit a 6m DKK ARR by the end of the year.

Make Influence business model is built upon three different areas:
Subscription: the monthly price a company pays to use Make Influence.
Commission: the % of revenue amount paid by the business to the Influencer.
Service Fee: A variable percentage (9 - 20%) of the commission paid by the business

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Make Influence ApS

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