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Scandinavian Energy med nytænkende teknologi søger inve

Senest opdateret: 22-06-2024
Scandinavian Energy med nytænkende teknologi søger inve
Stadie: Produkt eller prototype
Skal bruge: 5-10.000.000 kr.
Ansatte: 6
Stiftet: 2024

Hvad laver virksomheden?

Scandinavian Energy is on a mission to revolutionize the energy supply by fully harnessing solar power through our state-of-the-art tracking technology. We specialize in advanced tracking systems that not only meet the urgent demand for renewable energy but also address market opportunities by improving solar efficiency and operations.

Our core team has extensive experience in renewable energy, engineering, and finance, and is driven by innovation and deployment of emissions-reducing projects.

At Scandinavian Energy, we focus on delivering reliable energy solutions that combines latest advancements with conventional practices to modernize the future energy system.

Virksomheden søger kapital til

We seek financial investment in the range of 5-10 million DKK to bolster the operations of Scandinavian Energy. At SE, we maintain a clear distinction between our projects and the operating company. This separation ensures focused execution and operational efficiency, but it also necessitates dedicated funding to maintain our momentum until project completion.

We pride ourselves on running a lean and agile organization, characterized by a low burn rate. Our operational efficiency has enabled us to achieve more with less. However, to support our growing project pipeline and enhance our capabilities, we are planning to expand our team. We aim to bring on board 3-4 additional employees over the next year, which will allow us to maintain our agility while scaling our operations effectively.

This investment will play a pivotal role in not only maintaining our current operational pace but also in strategically positioning Scandinavian Energy for future opportunities. We are keen to discuss this investment opportunity with you and explore how we can align our goals for mutual benefit.

Det er en god investering fordi

Tracking the sun's path not only optimizes revenue by flattening production curves but also enhances operational efficiency, driving increased profitability and return on investment.

In regions with high temperatures and air conditioning demand, SunSeeker aligns energy production with peak demand periods, optimizing energy utilization. Similarly, in areas distant from the equator, SunSeeker adapts to seasonal variations, ensuring year-round optimal output and revenue enhancement.

For locations experiencing grid stress, SunSeeker delivers stable and predictable energy output, reducing grid instability. Its capacity for off-grid applications further aids in the seamless integration of solar power into electrical grids. In colder climates, Sun-Seeker's ability to capture low-angle winter sunlight enhances solar viability. In less-developed regions, it promotes efficient land use, providing stable energy for both connected and isolated communities.

SunSeeker fosters agricultural productivity by enabling energy generation and farming on the same land and minimizes environmental impact in conservation areas by preserving habitats. Remote locations benefit from SunSeeker's reliable energy, promoting energy independence. Additionally, industries benefit from SunSeeker's consistent energy supply and streamlined management.

Her er virksomheden i dag

We currently have 2 projects in advanced phase for 12 MW each in Sri Lanka, 1 project in advanced phase in Denmark, and two international projects (Spain and Sweden) in negotiation.
To improve the cost of our Sunseeker we have in collaboration with DTU applied for an EUDP grant of 1,8 million DKK which we expect to received positive feedback on no later than june 2024.

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Cleantech energi miljø
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