Copenhagen Nanosystems A/S
Copenhagen Nanosystems is an innovative company with the goal to enable affordable monitoring of micro- and nano-particles.
In recent years, a new issue has emerged: the ever-growing presence of micro- and nano-particles. Micro-plastics are in our drinking water, micro-particles play a crucial role in the production of pharmaceuticals, and skin care producers must take care to prevent nano-particles from being able to enter our bodies.
Laboratories that can perform accurate particle testing are few and far between. This is due to the expensive equipment and the high skill level needed to operate it, but that is all changing now.
Our goal is to make the analysis accessible and affordable.
Therefore, the next value inflection point is delivering affordable analysis on UV-Vis
instrumentation for both non-regulated and regulated customers.
As we scale our operations, apply for ISO certification and EU/FDA
approvals while optimizing our production, we expect to be able to
sell to regulated biotech/pharma industries and improve profitability.
The global nanoparticle analysis market is projected to reach $5.5 billion by 2032*, driven by increasing adoption and demand for more efficient technologies.
Our products have the potential to disrupt a significant portion of this market due to their cost-effectiveness, efficiency and ease of use.
According to LinkedIn, more than 800,000 professionals work
with UV-Vis spectroscopy and particle analysis in Europe alone!
We anticipate a steady increase in revenue over the next three years,
driven by expanding market demand further developments of our software platform, and the successful entering into the US market.
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Copenhagen Nanosystems A/S
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