Remote IoT realtime sprinkler monitoring
This is an IOT based fire sprinkler monitoring solution designed to give 24/7 real-time monitoring over fire sprinkler pump rooms. From one sprinkler facility to thousands, SprinklerView has the real-time alarm notifications solution for outages and unexpected incidents that happen in the fire sprinkler pump room and can include any control board.
Go-To market approach. Have international contracts out. To continue planned roll-out plan.Pitch material etc. is present.
We have a solid solution to a well-known problem in the sprinkler industry. Remote monitoring is the hottest subject in the industry. We have launched a unique IoT solution, that has created a lot of attention and need the planned funding.
Our solution elevates the fire monitoring capabilities through an array of easy-to-use features. Facilities equipped with our solution have a proactive advantage in fire protection installation, maintenance and monitoring all thanks to revolutionary IoT connectivity.We have presented the solution at 2 international trade shows and have solid contact and optional resellers.We have contract with one of the major international industry whole sellers whom also has made en European showroom for our partnership
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Remote IoT realtime sprinkler monitoring
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