Natural stone contractor based in Denmark. We are dedicated delivering premium natural stone solutions, hence made of marble, quartzite and onyx from Italy, Greece, Spain and other exclusive locations. With an extensive experience in construction and stones, we provide top-tier products that suit different building needs and preferences. Equally an installations, guidance, ensuring the best material choices for commercial and residential projects.
We offer a comprehensive range of services to meet all natural stone needs.
Our offerings include:
Custom Projects
Cut to size
Use of natural stone contribute to exceptional performance in areas such as life-cycle cost and durability, mold resistance, and improved air quality.
Natural stone has good thermal mass (the ability of a material to store heat and slowly release it), which positively impacts indoor ambient air temperature, and thus, energy efficiency. The thermal mass depends on specific type of stone.
Moreover, stone’s exceptional durability brings additional economic and environmental savings.
I'm looking for someone who can help to uplift the business by putting in a right network and projects, and by advising further direction through partnership.
Marble = infinite lifespan = quality
Everyone seek quality, whether in people, or in the household/environment, we are surrounded by.
We invest energy, time, money into something or someone, we can see a long-perspective.
However, product will remain only a product. It takes a person, who gives a value to the company's operation.
Therefore I offer:
- civil engineering background
- flexibility - travelling within countries (research, expansion,...)
- devotion
- loyalty
- persistency
- optimistic attitude towards the goals, issueses, customers
- fighting spirit
Initial phase of the business
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