AUDIOALGORITHMS LLC blev stiftet i 2011 i Atlanta, GA. Virksomheden er specialiseret indenfor signalbehandling (primært audio men også video). Virksomheden har leveret software til Verizon (BlueJeans Network), Walmart, Home Depot, Poly, Panasonic, UCSF, U.S. Navy og Bose. Virksomheden har primært beskæftiget sig med konsulentarbejde men startede i 2018 med at udvikle et nyt kommunikationsprodukt (USONIQ) som gør det muligt at transmitere data til mobiltelefoner vha. uhørbar lyd. I 2023 mundede det ud i en prototype (SOUNDDROP) som nu er tilgængelig på Apple's og Google's app store. Virksomheden har brug for kapital til videreudvikling af produktet samt drift, herunder salg og markedsføring.
Videreudvikling af prototype samt drift
SOUNDDROP er en kommunikationsteknologi som kan anvendes i situationer hvor lyd krydser vej med mobiltelefoner (live events, tv, radio, entertainment, retail, hospitality, konferencer m.m.). Der er tale om et produkt som spænder både dybt og vidt mht. de områder hvor det kan anvendes.
1. What is SOUNDDROP?
SOUNDDROP (Powered by USONIQ) is a communication technology that uses inaudible
sound to deliver messages to one or thousands of listening mobile phones.
You can think of SOUNDDROP as a soundbased QR code. Instead of using your camera
to scan a visual QR code on a poster or display, you use your mobile phone's microphone
to scan the soundwaves around you. If a SOUNDDROP signal is present in the space you
are in, then you will receive a message from the sender of the SOUNDDROP.
SOUNDDROP is a marketing tool where you can literally use songs and videos to airdrop
messages to nearby and listening mobile phones.
SOUNDDROP turns digital media (songs and videos) and sound in live settings (concerts)
into a literal communication channel between the brand and the audience. Messages are
delivered in the moment the audience is engaging with the brand (i.e. listening to the
sound or watching a video). Delivering messages to an audience in the moment they are
actually engaging with your brand makes the message contextually relevant.
SOUNDDROP can be used for delivery of payment requests for merchandice, products and
services. You can deliver previews, sponsored messages, informational messages, links,
exclusive content, polls, questionaires. Your song is a literal communication channel
so you can send anything you want to the audience in the very moment they are listening
to a sounddrop-enabled song. Imagine how powerful that is!
SOUNDDROP is Sound as a Sales Channel that turns songs and videos into literal ATMs that
generate revenue for the artist and the label.
2. How do I get started?
Getting started requires 3 easy steps:
- Sign a licensing agreement to use sounddrop
- Add sounddrop codes (they are literal audio tracks) to your sound catalog.
- Promote your sounddrop-enabled app or our sounddrop app which is free to download on the appstore.
Promoting the app would just be as easy as adding more information to your already existing information campaigns.
3. Watch these videos to learn more about the technology:
4. Brochures
5. Download sounddrop app
Download the app and contact us if you want a demonstration.
6. Video demos
Der er udviklet en fungerende prototype. Der er brug for kapital til videreudvikling samt salg og markedsføring.
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