H3o Nordic
The FRED is installed on diesel trucks or large diesel generators and reduces fuel consumption by 10-20%, up to 62% reduction in C02, up to 94% reduction in hydrocarbons.
The technology has several patents internationally, and is ready to market.
The FRED solves a huge problem in reducing Co2, and saves considerable cost for the customer.
The FRED i unique and currently no competitors in the market with similar technology.
The Fuel Reducing Emission Device (FRED) is a wet cell hydrogen generator that uses electrolysis to break the bonds of water molecules, creating an HHO gas mixture. HHO gas is channeled into the combustion chamber, producing a cleaner burn with lower emissions, reduced carbon deposits, and improved fuel consumption.
H3O Nordic Limited is looking for funding up to DKK 4 Million from investors in the Nordic countries to finance the setup of production facility and distribution Denmark.
H3O Nordic will commence the roll-out in Q3 2024 in Scandinavia, and the regional H3O partners will be responsible for the roll- out to business partners, the installation and maintenance in cooperation with H3O Group Limited in the UK.
H3O Nordic Limited is owned 51% by H3O Group UK Limited, under One Vision Technology Ltd. One Vision Technology Ltd, in Ireland holds all patents and IP rights for the technology
We are looking for investors and partners who can benefit from the FRED, and making a substantial impact to a greener planet. Our unique business model is to provide the FRED at low cost. Our business model is simple, we and our partners will each benefit from 50% of the costs saved in fuel, and reduced emissions. That is how confident we are! The company using the FRED, should gain a cost saving of at least 10-15% and improved lifetime of assets. Initially, we will target two important sectors, HGVs and construction equipment.H3O Nordic will drive the roll-out in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland, which will be executed and financed by H3O Nordic, in cooperation with its regional investor partners.Each region will have sole exclusive rights and will be responsible for the roll-out to partners, installation and maintenance of the FREDs in cooperation with H3O Group Limited based in the UK.“H3O has a strong commitment to deliver a positive impact to a greener world and deliver attractive returns for our partners & investors.”
H3O is ready to go to market, and has customers in the UK and Ireland. H30 Team are experienced serial founders, business managers and engineers in the UK, driving the business forward.
Full business plan and documentation available on request.
H3O will set up in Denmark ,to expand the business in the Nordic region, scaling the global business reducing Co2 and fight climate change. .H3O Nordic Limited has the exclusive rights to install the FREDs in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland. H3O is a Green Global Impact company, young at heart.
We aim to help deliver a thriving, low emissions world. We have a clear plan for the roll-out in the Nordic Region, which we are excited about.In addressing some of the world’s toughest emission challenges, we are seeking partnerships with industry leading companies to spur innovation, where it will make the biggest difference.We are committed to create value to our partners and investors, and the planet.
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H3o Nordic
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