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Stærkt entreprenørkoncept målrettet unge kvinder 22-30 og 44+

Senest opdateret: 08-04-2024
Stærkt entreprenørkoncept målrettet unge kvinder 22-30 og 44+
Stadie: Produkt eller prototype
Skal bruge: 400.000 kr.
Ansatte: 2
Stiftet: 2023

Hvad laver virksomheden?

FemaleNetwork.Biz is an online universe with breakthrough masterclasses in strategy and business development. We sell memberships, courses, and a new life vision.

“Discover a path in life where each day fills you up.
A life in balance where your nervous system keeps pace, there's tranquility and surplus, and the rat race is replaced by a passion for achieving and making the world a better place to be, without musts or shoulds. A fresh perspective on money and economics. A life of freedom and desire, rather than slogging to fill another's purse and surviving each day until the next paycheck is released.
An easier life. A more joyful life. A present life.
The dream of simplicity, so there's room to achieve the level of freedom you want.”

We are not about just selling courses and memberships as many of our competitors. We want to move the needle and transform the female entrepreneurial journey as we know it today.

We (Nikole, Mette and Linda) are a trio of accomplished, well-educated corporate women, each possessing over 25 years of expertise spanning diverse fields, including:

Budgets and EMS
Digital Marketing
Product Management
Communication and content creation
Distribution and warehouse
Replenishment and forecasting
Store Management
Strategic Management

Our collective ambition is to impact our wealth of knowledge and honed skills to fellow women who aspire to cultivate a gratifying life. To help, guide, and especially support women on their new journey to independence by creating an inspiring and safe universe online.
Our universe is based on our extensive work experience in corporate life and, of course, based on valid and relevant new research, data, and statistics.

Virksomheden søger kapital til

We seek investment to build up and escalate content production and website implementation.
We partly have the competencies our-self to build up within six months, but we see a momentum in society toward a female focus on freedom and independence that we would like to catch now. Timing and launch date are everything.
We would like to launch SoMe and funnel on October 1st and webpage on November 1st.

Det er en god investering fordi

Our concept is a unique offer to aspiring entrepreneurs.
AND it is easily scalable for all English talking countries as well as Scandinavia.

We present a visionary strategy for driven by storytelling, innovation, and a deep commitment to our valued customers.
We'll craft compelling stories that resonate, engage our audience, and forge enduring emotional connections.
Our "Idea Boost" sessions shall become the launchpad for creativity, fostering an atmosphere where innovative concepts flourish.
Together, we'll sail beyond conventions, guided by innovation and fueled by a customer-centric spirit.
Welcome to a new era where stories illuminate and ideas thrive.

Female entrepreneurs are present across all industries, but often, they face greater challenges than their male counterparts in entrepreneurship.

Even before the thought of embarking on their entrepreneurial journey, women often encounter significant obstacles. Social norms and expectations can limit their perceived roles and opportunities, nudging them away from considering business ventures.

Additionally, women might confront internal barriers tied to self-doubt regarding their skills, perceived limitations, and financial insecurities. These elements can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed as they navigate the multifaceted journey from point A onward to point B.

By recognizing and addressing these challenges at every stage, can work towards creating an environment where female-led startups thrive.

The Danish ratio between women and men who are new entrepreneurs is increasing from 0.61. in 2022 to 0.68 in 2023. In Spain, it is 0,98.
(Source: Dansk Erhverv 2023)

Danish women's entrepreneurial activity (8%) is among the lowest in OECD, but is expected to increase a bit.
(Source: Dansk Erhverv 2022)

Females aged 18-29 have a higher interest in entrepreneurship than those aged 30-64.
(source: Dansk Erhverv 2022)

Women have a 25% higher turnover than men for every 100,– invested
(Source: Dansk Erhverv 2022)

Only 1.5% of funding capital benefits women
(source: Dansk Erhverv 2022)

Her er virksomheden i dag

We are ready to execute. Our strategy, business plan, budgets, and style guide are finalized.

We are ready to approach and help our target group on their entrepreneurial path.

With an investment of DKK 400t, we will be able to escalate web page production and book the first PR seminar in October instead of March 2024.
Also, we would like to be accompanied by a business Angel that have insights into technology and migration.

Er i følgende branche(r):

E commerce www teknologi
Uddannelse rådgivning
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