B-bylon AB
We're here to bring style, innovation, and convenience to the world of indoor farming enabling household all around the word to grow fresh, healthy produce with minimal effort. Offering a hydroponic system, using tap water with added nutrients instead of soil to cultivate herbs, salads, chilis, tomatoes etc minimising transport needs and food waste.
Our primary target group are conscious interior design enthusiasts living in urban areas.
We are seeking an investment of 1.2 million DKK at a valuation of 6.5 million DKK. This investment will enable us to capture market shares in Sweden, build a strong brand and extend our presence beyond Sweden. Our focus areas for expansion include sales, marketing, as well as product and production development.
The estimated market value for B2C hydroponic cultivation is projected to reach 12 billion USD by 2026. An established player in the Swedish market, Harvey, has already demonstrated the market viability and potential for hydroponic products, achieving a monthly sales rate of 1500 products solely within the Swedish market using traditional market approach with limited digitalt presence.
We are poised to leverage contemporary platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to maximize our market penetration. Our strategy will be characterized by agility, involving an iterative process of A/B testing our advertising materials and systematically refining them to effectively convey the right message to the appropriate target audience.
The B-bylon team is comprised of four accomplished professionals, each possessing complementary skill sets, and all serving as co-founders. At the helm is Elisabet Magnusson, the CEO, an engineering expert in product development and design, boasting substantial experience in business expansion and leadership. Patricia Möller, our marketing virtuoso, brings a wealth of expertise in brand cultivation and development. Spearheading product and production development is Marcus Engqvist, a seasoned serial entrepreneur. Daniel Skjeld, equipped with a master's degree in economics, contributes his proficiency in establishing robust businesses within the realm of design.
We have invested 75,000 SEK in share capital and 2,000 hours in sweet equity, along with other resources.
B-bylon was founded 2021 with the innovative concept of developing a stylish hydroponic cultivation system for home application. Throughout 2022, our primary focus was on refining our product (no revenue), and by early 2023, we successfully brought our products to completion and into production. We've created a hydroponic cultivation system that seamlessly integrates into existing shelving setups ( with product fit for String furniture). We initiated our pre-launch activities in the spring of 2023 and have now made our products available for purchase through six carefully curated design and interior boutiques across southern Sweden, as well as via our official website.
In the third quarter of 2023, we are preparing for a comprehensive launch, with a strong emphasis on digital sales strategies. We have projected a turnover of 250,000 DKK for the year 2023.
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B-bylon AB
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