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Investering Bestyrelse/rådgivning

The United Light of Planet Earth

Senest opdateret: 08-04-2024
Stadie: Idefasen
Skal bruge: 100.000 kr.
Ansatte: 1
Stiftet: 2023

Hvad laver virksomheden?

Hello this is Your friend Jesper here – I’m your computer person – know how to activate things for you.
If you can find the greatest team, you have that can help manage this nonprofit I can guide the whole process – I know you will be interested in this project.
We can connect all nonprofits together for the common interest of civilization. All topics.
I have been working on a life project since I was 17 years. I am now 29 Years old; I want to start my activist career. I am looking to develop a nonprofit. All projects into one project.
I was born in a Kristian family, I learned the Danish language by getting read the New Testament of the bible, when I grew older people start dyeing and around me and people was crying, I asked them why are you crying? When you die you go to heaven which is the greatest world of the exists, then I thought about it, and I asked myself why aren’t we born in heaven? Then I had a religious breakdown. I have been having this one wishes my entire life about one day we will be born in utopia.
The non-profit is about connecting all Forums together to one, that communicates about the future civilization towards a movement to stage 5 civilization. Having an operation in each country, in each town in the whole world.
Recruiting the entire planet. By an Activist Team / Network – are you with the light?
The light is with -
Maximum development of all science topics. To stage 5 civilization.
Solving all world problems.
Establish World peace. – (We all landed here someone must open their eyes here)
Maximum developed utopia. – (stages of utopia by capabilities of science topics)
This wasn’t easy for me - I know how to do this. I am ALL IN this will work - All I ask for is that - The day that you comprehend that this movement will succeed in this mission. I want 1.000 DKK for each DNA WIN. Possible differences and more contracts along the way. It will be used for movement. Search - How to Create A Forum Using WordPress (2023) Tutorial For Beginners Pricing and Plans | Start Building Today
Later, our own database with programmed forum software.
All forums in the world collaborating.
I can be main addmin on the server.

Can I trust you with activist code?
That I can trust you – that everything we debate is not going to be shared?
And every move will be discussed?
If we succeed, then the team will be fairly appreciated?
If you agree with this, I will open my life project for your team.
I would like to meet the team when you are convinced.

I need to go into setup to organize update and finish the project.
Corner setup – Me and qualified professional– in a corner with 2 desktop computers with – 2x3 Computer screens. 2x1 flatscreens. On the wall in a corner. Dragging documents up to flat screen to rewrite it. It will lead to all information in the world.
With Project Manuel – Defining what the project is, to give it to the needed professions.
Profession needed –
highest grade writer. Rewriting the whole project and asking me questions.
Handshake / diplomacy recruitment of professions.
One network – Can change the world.
Need ADHD medication into- 24/7/365 schedule.
Online setup is possible.
I can send project manuals to the team. Help me organize updates and finish these projects with online communication.

Can we communicate over email. For quality conversation?

I can operate from where I am located.
Live streaming setup.
Private YouTube streaming.
People walking around for me with live streaming service.
Online meetings.
Online communication through email.
Contracts signed through email.
Conversation through email.
I can operate as addmin and guide the whole operation from where I am located - step by step.
I know how to get investments. Just need to get started.
the investment to the one project with all projects in it.
The investment to everything.
if you have access to investment this is what you want to invest in - All topics.
Contact me - [email protected]

Virksomheden søger kapital til

Word Press Forum.
First Station.

Det er en god investering fordi

the investment to the one project with all projects in it.
The investment to everything.
if you have access to investment this is what you want to invest in - All topics.

Her er virksomheden i dag

information ready to go to setup.
I can send the prototype documents.

Er i følgende branche(r):

E commerce www teknologi
Biotek medico sundhed
Medie underholdning
Handel service
Industri produktion
Cleantech energi miljø
Bygge anlæg
Uddannelse rådgivning
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