AMOVIDO A/S is a Danish company that produces floor, facade and roof elements for the real estate industry. But different from the traditional pre-fab scene.
The demand for less energy consumption is increasing and therefore the demand for better insulation and tightness is increasing. This must be accommodated without affecting the health of the home.
AMOVIDO has the right solution by using polyurethane (PUR) as insulation and by spraying the PUR into the elements the strength outperforms what the industry is used to.
PUR is a group of cellular plastic materials that can be used for everything from insulation to mattresses (TEMPUR), furniture, child toys, footwear, the automotive industry, and to store your food in fridge and freezers etc.
PUR is one of the most effective insulation materials on the market today. It is a lightweight material that is easy to handle and install. Its very low thermal conductivity (lambda 0.022) means that a much thinner layer of PUR is required to achieve the same level of energy efficiency that most other insulation materials achieve using thicker layers.
This gives AMOVIDO customers up to 10% more living space for their money. The material is also highly versatile and can be used almost anywhere. As PUR does not absorb moisture or water, the high insulation performance is maintained throughout its lifetime.
AMOVIDO has patented a way to protect the PUR against fire and this was proven at Danish DBI where our elements was tested and obtained the remarkable result REI60 (withhold fire for 60min)
Our elements has until now been used to build, Build-ons, Summerhouses, CUBES and Villa.
Use of Investment - 3 to 6.000.000 DKK (we are in dialog with EIFO that will match any investment 1-1 and therefore 1,5m to 3m will be enough - The invester can also be the party making the loan to AMOVIDO instead of EIFO)* Brand Identity* Marketing* Machines (leasing) * Staff* CE Certificate- Brand Identity: We need a strong brand and materials to back it. Website, Brochures, Software, Video.- Marketing: Building a solid pipeline through social media, traditional media and endorsers is a key factor for a company like AMOVIDO. - Machines: We have identified machines that will significantly will improve the production speed, but also use capital to update our current machines. - Staff: Hire a production manager. Rest of production workers are hired through a temp agency on a scalable rent basis. (worker salary starts from 170 DKK) - CE Certificate: For our international growth we are better positioned with a CE Certificate.
AMOVIDO has patents around the world. Countries include USA, GB, NO, SE, DK and China among others. The resistance against water and moist, the strengt and low material use goes in hand with the focus that the industry looks for.
AMOVIDO has a proven product and its market justification. We are currently in dialog with several bigger players where the biggest last project was 361 apartments. We have also had international attention, but we have chosen to decline until we are a stronger company.We are moving toward a setup where AMOVIDO can offer everything from buying a Element Raw House and up to a Finish House.
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