My Peterinarian ApS
MyPeterinarian is a pet care and veterinary services company with an established position in the pet industry and veterinary market. We have reached a point of growth where we can no longer sustain our own growth without external investment. We will need to seek investors to help us continue expanding and keep the talented team on board and onboard new ones.
There is continued growth in terms of revenue, new customers, and interest and we want to expand to other countries across different continents. The pet industry is already big, and it definitely grew after Corona and will continue growing.
We have established our position in the market and many people know about us. Last year we rented our first physical storefront and our services have expanded as well. We have a continues growth in % of incoming new customers. We also have a great team working at the company.
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My Peterinarian ApS
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1. Startups i vækstfasen Equity funding er ideelt for startups, der befinder sig i en vækstfase, hvor de har brug for betydelig kapital for at ska... læs mere
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Hvad betyder crowdfunding? Når en virksomhed eller en startup modtager en investering, tænker de fleste på angel investorer (velhavende personer) eller v... læs mere
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