Naturally Excited Industry ApS

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Disruptive technology -

Senest opdateret: 08-04-2024
Stadie: Klar til vækst
Skal bruge: 5.000.000 kr.
Ansatte: 2
Stiftet: 2022

Virksomheden søger kapital til

We seek investment to build up an international sales organization.

Det er en god investering fordi

There are 500,000 restaurants in the 5 largest countries in the EU alone. In the USA there are over 1 million restaurants, in China 15 million, Japan 1.5 million.
Every restaurant can save cleaning service on extractor hoods and extraction systems as well as grease traps by installing an EE-Rod.

The plan is to sell EE-Rod's to restaurant hoods and grease traps for an installation fee plus a monthly subscription of between DKK 400-600. DKK 5-6,000 annually. Service costs around DKK 10-30,000 annually for hood systems and DKK 5-10,000 annually for grease traps. So, they have a big savings.

Analysis is pending on electricity savings in cooling-freezer rooms, but initial tests show a 20% electricity saving.

Her er virksomheden i dag

Naturally Excited Industry ApS has a patent-pending ground-breaking invention that can be used for numerous applications within the kitchen, ventilation, sewerage and drinking water industries. We are a start-up company, and we are still adapting our products to the industry.
Background for the EE-Rod®

EE-Rod® is a stainless acid-proof metal container in 3 different lengths, 20 cm, 40 cm and 80 cm. It contains specially treated material that emits electromagnetic waves that influence the water's properties to absorb and dissolve fat better and to have a faster thermal energy absorption rate than normal water. The system is maintenance-free and the effect is permanent.

So far we have used our product EE-Rod® for the following:

The Kitchen industry
Grease traps: We see that grease traps need less service and emptying because the grease is diluted in the wastewater. There is thus less, or no grease contained in the grease trap, thus less or no service at all.
In tests, we see no accumulation of fat.

Extractor hoods and ventilation pipes: We see that no or less grease accumulates in the extractor hoods and ventilation pipes. This means that the service and the risk of fire are smaller.
In tests, we see no accumulation in extractor hoods and ventilation pipes behind.

Cooling and freezer rooms: Placing the EE-Rod® in cooling or freezer rooms will help to move thermal energy faster, which means that the temperature differences are smaller in the cooling and freezer rooms, and thus there are energy savings in the pumping system.
In tests, we see a saving of around 20% on electricity.

Ventilation industry
Air conditioning and ventilation systems: For large rooms in hotels, foyers or shopping centers, there is often a large temperature difference between ceiling and floor. Installing an EE-Rod® inside the ventilation system reduces the temperature difference between ceiling and floor. This provides indirect energy savings because the electric air pumps can work less to move the same thermal energy.
In tests, we see where the temperature difference between floor and ceiling were 10 degrees Celsius it is reduced to 2 degrees Celsius.

Sewage pipes: Less grease accumulates inside sewer systems, which means less maintenance is needed.
Sewage pumping stations: The need for redundant pumps is less, as overheating is less due to the sewage’s liquid becoming thinner, due to grease being diluted with the sewage flow. Electricity savings are also introduced within the power consumption of the pumps.
Wastewater treatment: Due to the slightly changed polarity of the water, we see faster settling of unwanted elements. These speeds up the wastewater treatment process.

Drinking water
If EE-Rod® is used in drinking water, unwanted elements and particles settle faster. In tests we see that all substances other than water molecules lie on the surface or settle on the bottom, we are currently investigating the speed.

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Naturally Excited Industry ApS

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