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Fri energi vha. stik-kontakten

Senest opdateret: 08-04-2024
Fri energi vha. stik-kontakten
Stadie: Klar til vækst
Skal bruge: 1.000.000 kr.
Ansatte: 1
Stiftet: 2019

Virksomheden søger kapital til

A free-light source has been developed as a Proof of concept which uses no energy from the mains plug.
It is not intended to be sold as totally free energy device, as that can be a negative indication that tell we are stealing power from the public-grid/mains. Therefor using the word almost free instead.
To light up a few LEDs/or a bulb the energy is absolutely free, as it is taken from the environment by the developed circuit. However, is strong light needed power from grid must be taken and that is not free. For handling this further maturing of product needed so it can handle it with intelligence.

unding needed to make it into a real saleable product
Want to team up with someone who is strong and is able to market it as a product or have the connections to sell the concept to bigger players like OSRAM or likewise.

Proof of concept to be demonstrated either as a video-link, or schedule a meeting at my business address for a demonstration.

Det er en god investering fordi

It is new and innovative not seen before and it help solve a problem in times where we have energy crisis.

Her er virksomheden i dag

How much of own funds do I put into the business?
Whatever is needed and is possible. As mentioned, development is self-financed thru contracting for other businesses. But to reach far faster there is a need for joint venture.

How is your personal financial situation right now?
It is good and solid and only funds for the daily living flow out of the firm. Besides do my spouse make income as well for the daily living.

Where do I get funds for my business – e.g. loan, income, fonds?
I have a credit in the bank, income thru contracting work, investment in stocks for the long haul. So far, the business did not take any loan from anyone.

Did your business partners support your business financially?
No self-running all the way. But if one wish to grow someone with greater power is needed so we can continue to do what we do best innovation and development.

How do you put price on products/services?
We do contract services and the price follow the market. Try to stay in the mid-range to be able to negotiate whenever needed.
How does the finances add up from cost, expenses and earnings at the end of the month? There is always an overshoot of money that usually is invested in stocks, only money is taking out to be able to run the household. It is only the past year I got a salary as if I was employed in the 6 years the company has existed.

How big a turnover does you expect?
In my daily business the turnover is + USD200K which is enough to pay sub-contractors, salary and do internal developments. There are room for more, but that would be of the expense of the family which I’m not interested in.
For this new product idea, I see a turnover in the millions with the right partner.

What kind of investment do I need?
As I have the Proof of concept and I wish to keep this secret as it is new and innovative, I will need to make the maturing on my own. This demands 6-12 months where I need to pay myself a salary for the daily living and common expenses in the firm and for whatever material expenses there might be for the maturing of the device.
In parallel with this I need a partner who have the sale & and marketing or the network to sell the concept to someone how wish to produce and market it.

Er i følgende branche(r):

E commerce www teknologi
Cleantech energi miljø
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