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A Human-Centered healthy Friendship Networking alternative to Tinder

Senest opdateret: 02-07-2024
A Human-Centered healthy Friendship Networking alternative to Tinder
Stadie: Produkt eller prototype
Ansatte: 30
Skal bruge: 6.000.000 kr.
Stiftet: 2021

Hvad laver virksomheden?

We are the game-changers, innovators and disruptors - because it's time for transformation!
At Lifebonder, we're on a mission to end loneliness and break social media addiction, fake
personas, cyber-bullying, cancel culture by providing a Mesaverse that lives up to the promise of what social media can be: A safe place to facilitate human connections rather than replace

We want to fill a growing need for direct socializing outside social media - connecting people in friendships that are human, profound, and meaningful. Providing people with local options (local businesses) to encourage physical activity and supporting businesses around them.

LifeBonder makes it easy for people to connect in a deeper reality through shared spaces, values, and goals because our vision is to build social bonds in real life.

Lifebonder NextGen mobile app empowers lonely, depressed and isolated individuals to ignite
their social life by facilitating real life off-platform friendships locally. Our privacy-safe AI
enables authentic, modest and anonymous profile matching, with trusted pre-verified users through our MANA, people who share common interests to ensure our users have a safe space for expressing themselves.

Lifebonder has a purpose-driven culture where we consciously and intentionally follow our
company’s mission as a team. We are motivated as a team to achieve our impact goals
regarding decreasing loneliness and isolation and encouraging in-person meet-ups and
physical activity, especially among young people.

Virksomheden søger kapital til

We are looking for an investment so our startup more effectively and faster can complete its Premium features and support the all-important marketing and sales strategy. We have no difficulties attracting volunteers, and we get around 100 applications per day, but since it is mostly people who already have a paid job, they are not able to commit more that 10 - 15 hours per week. So we would like to hire a few employees full fime, especially senior developers in the short term to speed up the completion of our paid Premium features.

We are looking for 6.000.000 DKK to accomplish this.

An investment will establish a crucial milestone and make it possible for LifeBonder to prepare itself for the next funding round when we are scaling globally. Achieving this milestone will also, in direct financial terms, enable the business more effectively and faster to complete its Premium features and support the all-important marketing and sales strategy for generating revnue.

Det er en god investering fordi

We have been able to get this far on a purely volunteering basis, and we are getting around 100 applications every day from people arround the world that waht to help, which indicate that our business idea have traction.

New legislation are being prepared in the comming years in EU that will make current social media platforms more accountable for the negative impact of social media, including rules for figthing social media addiction and doom scrolling. LifeBonder has already solved this problem with its unique approach and business model, where the user needs are at very core in our business model.

We estimate that we in year 3 of our full deployment can reach a minimum userbase of 500,000, and a turnover of 24 Million DKK alone in Scandinavia.

Your investment shall help us complete our Premium features and support our marketing and sales of our premium feature that will make our solution financially sustainable.

You should invest in LifeBonder only if you believe it is important to fight the negative impact of Social Media - fight lonliness and the declining mental health among young adult - thereby increasing the quality of life for young adults.

According to the Center for Human Technology, a think tank in California, we spent ¼ of our lives in virtual social systems! In the last decade we have seen the consequences of a growing disconnect between social media and real life. That so many young people report lacking of close real life friendships and feel lonely despite existing competitors like Bumble, Yubo, Friender, Skout and Friended , clearly demonstrates failure to meet the market need. The increased scrutiny of social media companies signal that the social media industry’s current business model is due for a significant disruption - we are this disruption!

From a purely economic perspective the benefits are obvious. It is not a secret that loneliness and mental health issues gives rise to healthcare costs - according to the OECD, in Denmark alone, 20% of working age people suffer from mental illness resulting in 25% of all healthcare costs.

Her er virksomheden i dag

Lifebonder was untill now financed by founders money and hard voluntary work of people truely aligned to our vision from around the world. As we have now launched our base product, our free Chat Messenger and introducing our first Premium features, we need full speed more than ever now we have the first BETA users on our platform.

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