We are looking for a Danish-speaking person who would like to be an active partner, with a network within the real estate/product development industries, and experience in sales to help us enlarge our client database, and further help us scale up our business model.
No matter what industry businesses are in, 3D visualization has an application that will work for them. Whether it´s an architect who wants to present a building that’s still being designed, a real estate agent who wants to stand out with online virtual tours and web apps, or a product designer that needs a cost-effective way to present prototypes, they can achieve all those goals with 3D visualization.
We stand out as a studio by offering large volumes of visual materials without compromising on price efficiency, due to our modern real-time workflow using Blender, Unreal Engine, and Nvidia Omniverse. We offer a comprehensive set of visual experiences, including images, 360 captures, cinematic videos, and integrated web applications.
Apart from that, we have a network of very skilled IT developers and 3D modelers in countries like Romania, Greece, and Ukraine.
Visometric has been established in 2018, previously delivered visualization packages to well-known Danish developers such as Nybolig, Scandibyg, and Innovater. Before the construction process even started, we provided them with the tools to efficiently promote their property developments. If you are curious to see some of our work, please refer to our website:
Apart from real estate projects, we have recently started to create visualizations for product development companies that need to demonstrate the product, analyze its performance before the prototype is made, and replicate scenarios that are too costly to simulate in real life.
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