Domisphere ApS
An investment level of €1.5m is sought; presumably in tranches based on KPIs. The funds will be used partly for the completion of the air cleaning solution (hardware & software), salaries and OPEX for the small team, and a small portion for QC test equipment.
The objective of the investment is to complete the product solution (est. amount: €400k) to bring it to market, initially in Denmark, and into Germany and the UK, where client prospects are identified. The investment shall also go towards the continued operation of the company and the team until the activity is self-financing ref. established budget goals.
It is expected that the completion of the product will lead to commercial activity in the relatively short term (i.e. within 4-6 months), partly because the technology and prototypes of the product have already proven effective, and partly because a number of named customers have indicated their interest.
Ca. 90% of people worldwide are estimated to breathe polluted air, which is responsible for the death of more people than strokes, cancer, AIDS, terrorism, and war together. The growing awareness about indoor air pollution and the health problems associated with it is expected to be one of the major drivers for the adoption of air purifiers.
The global air purifier market was worth USD 9.55 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to reach USD 24.62 billion by 2027 growing at a CAGR of 12.6%. The commercial application segment dominated the global air purifier market with a revenue share of 54.3% in 2019. It was valued at USD 5.19 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to reach USD 15.56 billion by 2027 growing at a CAGR of 14.7%.
As such, Domisphere operate in a sizeable, global, and fast-growing market – supported by strong growth drivers and long-term trends. The Covid-19 pandemic adds extra market dynamics and opportunities to this market environment.
The team is composed of individuals with significant managerial and commercial experience, as well as of technical competencies covering atmospheric chemistry, sensor technology, and the development of software solutions.
The development of the technical solution has several years behind it, where parts of the team have already participated with own funds in terms of share ownership and previous capital increases.
The company (established in 2018) has over the past 3 years developed a unique air cleaning system designed for the commercial segment. The solution is a stand-alone air cleaning system, comprising a novel, Danish designed hardware solution combined with a cloud-based IoT database system. The system consists of intelligent, essential features that via sensor technology continuously scan and inspect the indoor air and communicating the collected data directly to the user(s). The system will continuously adapt the level of cleaning to the need and the level of pollution in the given room. The air quality can be monitored throughout the venue (e.g. offices) via an air quality dashboard in an easily accessible web-interface. And users can check up on air quality via their smartphone or look at the clean air display – could be in the office, in the lobby of a hotel, or at a restaurant, to name a few.
The primary market for the solution is the commercial (B2B) segment where users are found across a variety of sub-segments, such as offices (incl. meeting & function rooms), hotels, restaurants, knowledge institutions (schools, kindergartens, universities), and other institutions (private & public) and many other venues that are occupied by people during the day.
The team behind has several years of experience in the application of atmospheric chemistry to air pollution issues, and where the application of such principles can clean the air in the gas phase (non-particle form), in addition to capturing air pollution in particle form.
The cleaning of air pollution in the gas phase means that pollution that appears in the form of harmful gasses (f.inst. ozone, aldehydes, volatile organic compounds (VOC)) will be transformed into particles, which subsequently and together with other pollution in the particulate form will be removed effectively in a filter solution that offers a substantially lower pressure drop than conventional absorption filters. The benefits of this technology are plentiful, incl. an effective break-down and removal of harmful gas-phased pollution and due to the non-absorption, reusable filter technology the cleaning unit will have a strong removal efficiency with no appreciable reduction in efficiency over time, and as such with significantly longer lifetime than competing technologies. The solution leaves no replaceable, costly absorption filters or residue behind, only reusable filters that need dusting or cleaning with tap-water from time to time depending on the air pollution environment in question.
The product is set to be ready for early commercial launch in Europe – a market that in 2020-21 has witnessed a surge in interest from businesses and others in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Functional prototypes are already working at clients’ sites in both Germany and the UK. The next step is to arrive at a product development state from which production and sales ramp-up can be executed and commercial traction initiated.
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Domisphere ApS
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