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Adrianord looking for partner and investor

Senest opdateret: 08-04-2024
Adrianord looking for partner and investor
Stadie: Produkt eller prototype
Skal bruge: 5.000.000 kr.
Ansatte: 1
Stiftet: 2018

Virksomheden søger kapital til

We are looking for funds to start the development and building of 2 properties (Pavati Organic retreat and Roch Relax Resort) based on green practices and sustainable passive housing principles. (portfolio prospects in place)

The development of the Roch Relax Resort is estimated to take 12 months while Pavati with the complexity of the project and construction will take approx 24 months. Both projects fit into the sustainable tourism and hospitality profile. Exterior design is predicted with a complete furnishing of all elements of horticulture and high-value autochthonous plants and various flower compositions. Both properties have a restaurant concept and sustainable food system which is going to be a foundation for the EU funding.

Paramount drivers for the project are green incentives without and minimizing environmental impact and CO2 emissions through passive house building, water management, sewage management system, and renewable energy system.

With proposed fundings, we kickstart all 2 projects and raise investment credits from the banks.

Det er en god investering fordi

Croatia belongs to the list of countries that attracts visitors more with the quality of its natural environment and the richness of its cultural and historical heritage, than the quality, availability, and diversity of the new generation tourist attractions.

• Croatia boasts an attractive coastline along the Adriatic Sea, offering a lower-cost beach
holiday destination.
• City breaks to Croatia are becoming more popular, particularly to Zagreb and Dubrovnik
• The tourism sector accounts for approximately 20% of annual GDP and receives support from the government through investment and marketing.
• Competent and highly educated workforce.
• Modern transport and energy infrastructure.
• A strong tourism brand backed by a supportive marketing base and a high degree of regional and international tourism industry awareness.
• Easily accessible destination with direct airlift.
• Great value for money – Kuna currency rather than Euro.
• Considered safe.
• Variety of outdoor experiences and activities.
• Stunning and accessible coastline and beaches.
• Unpolluted sea and rich sources of freshwater
• Great long-season climate.
• City areas such as Dubrovnik and Motovun are well-known thanks to high-profile film settings – Game of Thrones, International film festival, Jazz festivel, etc.
• Appeals across all consumer groups and segments – families, couples, youth, LGBTQ, luxury, wellness, adventure, etc.

• Croatia has joined the EU 2013, which will help to improve the investment environment for
• Croatia is lacking high-end luxury accommodation and there is a strong demand for it.
• Croatia is lagging behind in innovative/sustainable tourism concepts compared to other destinations.
• Planned membership of the Schengen Area could relax visa restrictions, which could entice more travelers from major source markets.
• Movie-based tourism is growing rapidly with the rise of 'jet-setters visiting 'Game of
Thrones' filming locations.
• EU funding is available to the government to invest in infrastructure.
• Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and development has a special loan scheme for the hospitality industry.
• Croatia offers a number of other activities and events outside of the summer season providing the opportunity to increase visitor numbers throughout the rest of the year and extend the season.
• Still good value for money compared to other Mediterranean destinations.

Her er virksomheden i dag

2018 - company was established as IVS model (need change)
2019 - personal 400.000 kr. was invested in capitalization and operation
2020 - projects were hit by pandemics and funds went spent
2021 - partnering with CEG (Consilium Expert group)
2021 - consolidation of projects into one whole investment project (flexible backbone)
2021 - negotiation with SSI fund from Hong Kong (pending)

Three separate property development projects have passed the phase of desktop due diligence while 1 project is new in the portfolio and needs funds to continue work in the pipeline.

There are 3 people active working on this project and will be listed as shareholders once we secure funds and launch the vesting, acquisition, and investment process

- Rendered concept plan in place with pictures
- investment Pro-forma in place
- 7-years financial projections
- cash flow calculations in place
- after-exit financial scenarios.

We need to fine-tune the pipeline and seek funds to kickoff all 3 projects supported by CEG (Consilium Expert Group) that are the fastest-growing real estate development and consulting company in Croatia and the most trustworthy experts in the region with 30 years of proven experience.

Er i følgende branche(r):

Cleantech energi miljø
Bygge anlæg
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